Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Wednesday, workday!

Preschool was pretty mellow, we did marble painting and macaroni collages. They all turned out pretty neat. Also, at one of our rug times, we played a HUGE game of marbles, the kids had a blast!

After the preschool I picked up E & R from school like usual. They always get out at 12:30 on Wednesdays. They got to play in the front of the school in the grass with some classmates for an hour before we left the school. Once we left I went over to drop some stuff off at my moms house, and to also pick a few things up. Then we headed to their house and started on homework shortly after we got there. E did great with her homework today and got it done fairly quickly! R on the other hand, fought tooth and nail about homework today, which is so unusual! I dunno what's going on with him. Once homework was finally finished, we just played around the house.

I finally was able to schedule an appointment with an Allergist today. I've been having a reaction of some sort pretty frequently, and I'm pretty sure it's a food allergy. Thanksgiving day was the worst, as I felt as if my throat was swelling, and I got really wheezy with the typical hives and itchiness I've been getting. My appointment is for Tuesday; looking forward to finally coming to the bottom of whatever is causing all of this!

Today's photo- introducing My Shelby Olivia! This is one of our dogs! I got Shelby when she was 5 weeks old. a few months before meeting Ryan. She's totally my baby, and I love her to pieces! I'm sure you'll see a lot of her throughout the year, as she's pretty photogenic and I enjoy taking pictures of her! Tonight I caught her laying in the hallway like this, and she stayed and let me take pictures! :)

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