Saturday, February 26, 2011

Between vacation, school, getting a new computer set up, and being ill.... I got VERY behind on my photos. I am updating them today and will be up-t0-date by the end of the weekend! So sorry to have kept you hanging! :)

Friday, February 11, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504

Toby enjoys sitting under my new desk while I'm working at the computer. And every so often, he'll do this. Cutie!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
I spent nearly 3 hours sorting through book order books tonight! I had over 250 books to sort through by student, and then by class! What a job!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
My new desk is all set up and in business! Love it!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Today we went to Costco and I got a new computer! We had searched all of the stores yesterday, and the best deal was at Costco! :)

Monday, February 7, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
There has been a lot of talk lately about me getting my own desk and computer. I'm currently taking all online classes, and using one computer between Ryan and I just wasn't working out very well. Today we were searching on Craigslist and found this desk! :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Today was Super Bowl Sunday! I made a 10lb bag of potatoes into Potato Skins. I wanted to take picture of the huge platter of them, but before I realized it there was one loaner potato skin left. I suppose they were a hit! :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
While we were away in Tahoe, my Tupperware order came in. I had to put it to use right away, and organize my cupboards the way I've wanted! If you remember, I was doing this with Ikea containers and it ended up that some of them didn't fit in my cupboards. Here's my Tupperware!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Before we headed home, we took the dogs out on one last walk. They insisted on climbing this huge snow bank, and they were looking out at the lake. It was super cute!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
On our last night we got a beautiful sunset! This was the view from our cabins living room window! It was beautiful!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
The dogs enjoyed laying in front of the fire every evening!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
We took a walk every morning out on the beach! :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
We got snowed on as we drove to Tahoe! It was beautiful!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
I tried to upload this photo from my phone, but it didn't work. I had hoped I could update via my phone while I'm on vacation... but it's not working! I will hopefully figure something out, if not I'll have to upload my photos when we return home on Friday. :)

Today's photos- All packed to head to the cabin on Lake Tahoe! :)

Friday, January 28, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Friday is over! I'm officially on vacation!!! Woohoo!!

Today's Photo- Last night we bought Shelby this sweater because we read an article that because of her fur type, she'd need it in cold weather. Since we're leaving to Lake Tahoe on Sunday, and it's going to be cold and snowy, we thought she should have one. I thought she'd be scared of it, but come to find out she LOVES it and cries if we take it off!! hehe

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
What a day!

I'm sooo glad tomorrow is Friday! When I'm done with tomorrow, my eleven day vacation begins! Woohoo!!

I spent majority of my night working on placing our schools book order. What a chore! We ended up with over $750 worth of orders, and it took a lot of sorting out! But I did it, it's submitted and now I'm just waiting on the books to arrive!

Today's photo- Stacks of book orders!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Today was supposed to be a long work day, as I'd commited to working until 8:30pm tonight. However, I got off around 6:30pm! I was pretty excited about that!

I stopped and got In-N-Out for dinner upon Ryan's request.

Today's photo- School Books! My books FINALLY arrived today!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Today I spent the day at my Mom's house cleaning out my old room. I got A LOT done, but still have lots to do!

Shelby came along, and loved being at her Granny's! She played all day long and just loved being at her old home!

Today's photo- Shelby in the car after her long day. She always loves a car ride!

Monday, January 24, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Monday always comes too soon!

Today I spent the day doing laundry and cleaning up the house. I've done 6 loads of laundry so far, and I'll be putting my last one in shortly! I'm honestly not sure how we've ended up with SO MUCH of it, but it feels so good to have it all folded and put away!

Between all the laundry and cleaning, I worked on assignments for my classes. Mostly discussions but also trying to get ahead as we're going on vacation next week. We are heading to a cabin right on Lake Tahoe. We went last year, and loved it. This year we're taking the dogs, it should be interesting. I can't wait! We are really hoping for some snow to dump once we get up there! Hope with us! :)

Today's photo- Tonight Ryan is playing a game with his friend, Suede. I made them Taco's for dinner, which were all scarfed down aside from this loaner taco shell, he's cracked and all alone! haha

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Today I spent the day at my friend Amanda's house. Ryan and her husband Mark watched the two football games that were on. It's nice because I've been friends with Amanda for years, and Ryan has been friends with Mark for years. They actually introduced us! :)

While the guys were watching football Amanda and I went on a quick outing to Kohls. I've been wanting to get some Valentine's Day decor, and so had Amanda. I ended up getting some placemats and kitchen towels. I enjoy having our house decorated for the holidays! I'll probably get a few more Valentine's things once they start getting marked down and save them for next year.

After the football games Amanda put highlights in my hair. They turned out amazing, and I LOVE them! My hair has been in desperate need of some highlights, and I'm so happy to finally have them again! She'll be doing some more work with my hair this week, I'm excited and can't wait!

Today's photo- Me + my most prized possession, my camera! I figured it was fitting, as I have new hair and this camera is kind of the center of this blog! :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
The weekend is finally here! Hooray!!!

We started the day by clearing out the garage, and originally I was going to post a picture of my car IN the garage, but, as you see that isn't what happened!

This evening Ryan went to play D&D with some friends, and I went to my friend Serena's birthday party at Fuddruckers. After I finished at Fuddruckers I went to my best friend Amanda's to hang out and talk. I was gone four to five hours. Typically when we leave, Toby gets locked into the bedroom and Shelby gets to be free in the house. Toby can't be trusted because he gets into things, and always does well in the bedroom- until tonight!

And that brings us to...

Today's photo- I got home tonight, and found the remote on the bed in itty bitty pieces. Lets first say, the dogs aren't allowed on the furniture. Second, I forgot to leave a bone for him like usual... so, perhaps he thought the remote was a bone?!

Friday, January 21, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
I'm finally up-to-date! I apologize for being gone all week, but the virus that attacked our computer made it impossible to upload my photo's! I need to get a cord so that I can use my net-book!

Today's photo- I've been watching Oprah this week, and she's reminded me how much I'd love to visit Australia!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Today's Photo- My iPhone! I love my iPhone, and am quite sad that it got cracked a few months back. I am very happy that even with the crack it's fully functional! My iPhone always helps me keep busy during downtime between jobs, like it did today!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Today's photo- Meet my net-book, Little Pink! Classes started yesterday, and I'm taking all online classes this semester. With the virus that attacked our desktop I am very thankful to have Little Pink! I'll be using her quite often between now and May 26th, I'm sure! :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Today's photo- I found this potpourri at Ikea while we were there a few weeks back. I finally have it out and really like the look it has in our living room! I spent some time today doing some more decorating around the house!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Today's photo- My newest addiction, Dark Chocolate Edamame from Trader Joe's! All I can say is YUM! :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Finally able to update, I've been out of commission because of a virus on our computer!

Today's photo-
I had a Tupperware party tonight and had some friends over. This is the loot I received tonight! My order will be arriving in a couple weeks! I cannot wait!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Holy cow, this Saturday went fast!

I had a hard time getting motivated this morning after a long week, but finally got out to run some errands around 2pm. After our errands, I went to spend some time with my best friend and her kiddos.

I arrived home to find Ryan and his friend Suede watching the Packers game. I made them some chili with cornbread baked on top for dinner. They chowed down on it!

Ryan had been asking me for a couple weeks to cut his hair, as he bought a clipper set several months back and we decided I'd learn how to cut it to save money. Tonight, I finally cut it. This was my third time, and I think I'm the most unhappy with my hair-cutting adventure this time. I let it get too long and had a real hard time managing it. Next time, I won't wait so long!

Today's photo- Hair clippers after Ryan's haircut!

Friday, January 14, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504

This morning I did things around the house for my boss, which included ironing a bunch of cloth napkins. Let's just say, I don't typically iron, and this reminded me why!

Once I picked the kids up from school, I took R to get a haircut. He needed it! His hair was a bit bushy! They always love going to get haircuts because they get lollipops! After the haircuts we went home to play with toys and waited for their parents to get home because they were going on a weekend ski trip, the kids were overjoyed and it was showing, I had to keep them occupied!

I made it home about 7:30, and just didn't feel like cooking. Ryan suggested we go out to pizza, because we hadn't in a while and it would be easy. So, I took him up on it and that is just what we did! We've been eating healthier, but I think going out and having a treat once in a while is more than okay! We made it home around 9 and I wasn't feeling great, I ended up getting into my pajamas to lay in bed and watch TV for the rest of the night.

Today's photo- Oranges! Why? Because I've been craving oranges! Orange juice or fresh oranges, I just can't get enough!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Today was a very long day, and my post is going to be brief. I couldn't sleep last night and ended up only sleeping about 3 hours, leading to be being totally exhausted all day!

Some Quick Highlights:

We had a great time making mazes for our classroom hamster today
E + R had a great day with me today, great homework and everything!
Our close friends lost a parent today, I'm feeling really sad for them.

Today's picture... I introduce Toby aka Toblerone (Like the chocolate) ! He is our German Shepard that we adopted on July 3rd of last year. He was a rescue dog and is about 2 years old. He is a bit camera shy, unlike my Shelby! But, he's getting better!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Wednesday, workday!

Preschool was pretty mellow, we did marble painting and macaroni collages. They all turned out pretty neat. Also, at one of our rug times, we played a HUGE game of marbles, the kids had a blast!

After the preschool I picked up E & R from school like usual. They always get out at 12:30 on Wednesdays. They got to play in the front of the school in the grass with some classmates for an hour before we left the school. Once we left I went over to drop some stuff off at my moms house, and to also pick a few things up. Then we headed to their house and started on homework shortly after we got there. E did great with her homework today and got it done fairly quickly! R on the other hand, fought tooth and nail about homework today, which is so unusual! I dunno what's going on with him. Once homework was finally finished, we just played around the house.

I finally was able to schedule an appointment with an Allergist today. I've been having a reaction of some sort pretty frequently, and I'm pretty sure it's a food allergy. Thanksgiving day was the worst, as I felt as if my throat was swelling, and I got really wheezy with the typical hives and itchiness I've been getting. My appointment is for Tuesday; looking forward to finally coming to the bottom of whatever is causing all of this!

Today's photo- introducing My Shelby Olivia! This is one of our dogs! I got Shelby when she was 5 weeks old. a few months before meeting Ryan. She's totally my baby, and I love her to pieces! I'm sure you'll see a lot of her throughout the year, as she's pretty photogenic and I enjoy taking pictures of her! Tonight I caught her laying in the hallway like this, and she stayed and let me take pictures! :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Well, today is the last day of my "Weekend". I'm typically off Saturday-Tuesday, hence, it's still my weekend.

Today was a mellow day, with nothing much going on. I did a few things around the house, and watched some TV. This afternoon I met with my best friend to go get a few things so that she can do my hair this weekend. She's going to put some wave into it, and highlight it. I'm really excited!

Tonight when I got home I made meatloaf for dinner. Ryan has told me for two years that he hates meatloaf, and so I finally dropped the subject and figured I'd just never get to make it. Well, last week it came up again and he told me that he'd be willing to try it, so tonight he did and he actually liked it!

After dinner I had to staple together two different book orders and a note with information about the due date to be distributed at the preschool tomorrow. I had to put together 140 of them... it was lots of stapling! Thankfully Ryan helped me out! I volunteered to do the job because I think it's a great thing to offer to families and it also helps promote reading.

Today's picture- my stapler and staple remover. We became friends today, with all the undoing of book orders and stapling packets together! hehe

Monday, January 10, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Day 10! I'm in the double digits now!

Today was a pretty mellow day. I ran a few errands this morning and babysat for my best friend this afternoon. Her two little ones came and spent a couple hours with us. We played little people and danced to Yo Gabba Gabba. The dogs even joined in, with lots of puppy kisses! I enjoyed the time with them, as always!

Tonight I'm making a pork roast for dinner. I'm making it just like my Grandma always made it. In an oven bag with potatoes, carrots, and onions. I find myself missing her a lot on a daily basis. So many things remind me of her, and I'm wanting to call her. I find it so hard to believe it'll have been a year since we lost her in a few short days.

Today's photo is of baby hands! I love baby hands and feet! I took it while I was babysitting this afternoon. :)

Until tomorrow....

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Today was a lazy Sunday, for the most part. Ryan watched football and I just relaxed. Tonight I made a yummy noodleless lasagna and then we went grocery shopping.

Today's picture- Ikea containers I'm using to organize our cupboards, I like having everything be the same, instead of having odd shaped boxes. Tonight after grocery shopping, I filled a couple of my containers.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
I went on an adventure today!

My cousin Rebecca and I hiked up a trail to the Golden Gate Bridge and walked all the way across it, and back. Though, we didn't have very good planning because we finished in the dark. The trail was pretty scary because it was so dark and there wasn't a soul around, but the bridge looked gorgeous!

I'm slightly bummed with this picture, because it's grainy looking. I've yet to master photos in the dark, which I'm sure is why it looks the way it does. But, it's the bridge in the dark none the less! This picture just about sums up our adventure today. :)

PS. I apologize I was late getting this up!

Friday, January 7, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
It's Friday!!!!! Woohooo!!!

This morning I got to sleep until 8, and it felt great! Because both E and R are now in school full-time, my hours are made up by running errands for my boss, and doing things around their house. Today was laundry day while the kids were at school. I do all the bedding in the house plus the kid's laundry. I had mountains of kid's laundry to do, most of it was R's. We made a rule several months back that they could only change once a day unless they were dirty, otherwise we end up with mountains of clothes; just like I found today. He's obviously been changing a million times a day again! Yesterday while putting on their "shows" he assured me he was "folding" them back up and putting them away- NOT! They ended up in the dirty laundry! That little stinker!

I finished all the laundry just in time to head to pick up E and R from school. They've been wanting to go to the library, so I told them we could go today. We drove there only to find that it was closed, bummer! So, we headed home. Once we were home we discovered that the caterpillars that had went into cocoons in the butterfly habitat were coming out of the cocoons! We got to watch the first one fall out, the second and third snuck out while we were playing a game! It was such a cool experience!

Today's picture- Pizza! Tonight we made homemade pizza. We made Friday nights Pizza nights in our house several months back, but we took a break for a while. Tonight, it came back! I stopped at Trader Joes on my way home from work tonight to grab a few ingredients we didn't have including their yummy pizza dough, I highly recommend it! We like the whole wheat or garlic and herb.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Tomorrow is Friday! Heck yeah! Today was long, but good.

I woke up around 4am feeling really stuffed up, so I took some Sudafed and was able to go back to sleep for about an hour before my alarm went off, feeling much better because the Sudafed kicked in! I left the house around 6:15am due to dense fog warnings, I typically leave at 6:30am. The fog near home wasn't bad, but got worse the closer to work I got. I got to work right on time! I helped the kids finish getting ready for school, and then we were off! On the way to school we had a conversation about poison ivy. It was odd, but an in-depth conversation! They thought they had me convinced that they had a special poison ivy in their yard that can be touched, just not eaten! Ooookay, whatever ya say lil ones! ;)

Once I dropped them off I headed to the preschool. We talked about germs today and made Mr. Cough and Mrs. Sneeze, along with soap balls. It was an overall fun day, and the kids were definitely better about washing their hands before snack today!

After the preschool, I did some errands for my boss, and then picked up the kids from school. We went straight home again today to work on homework and a few small art projects. Then, the kids spent the evening putting on different types of "shows". Gymnastics, Karate, Dancing, and a Clown Show. I got off work right before 7pm and made it home right before 8pm. I threw together an easy dinner, and have just been relaxing.

Today's picture- my Keurig coffee pot. Why? Well, because without my morning coffee from my beloved Keurig, I'm not sure I'd have made it through the day!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Today was my first day back to a normal schedule! Yay!

It was my first day back at the preschool today, and it was so nice to see all of the children again after two weeks! We had a great day with lots of projects! After the preschool I picked up the kiddos I nanny for, E + R. We headed straight to their house because I just felt like staying in today, we played several games of War and then played outside, coming in to work on homework. They even got the treat of a little TV towards the end of the afternoon. And then I got a treat of my own: getting off almost an hour early! I was very thankful for getting off early because I'm not feeling well and the fog was already setting in. Overall, it was a good day!

Today's photo is of some new home decor. We've been working on finally getting some home decor and Ikea helped us yesterday! I actually got this candle piece from a friend for Christmas, but it's from Ikea. I love Ikea!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Wow! What a day! We drove up to Sacramento to go to Ikea. We've needed a few items, and Ryan's dad needed to go get a cabinet to finish his kitchen remodel. Well, it was almost 1pm by the time we got up to Sacramento so we decided to stop at In-N-Out for lunch before shopping. Lunch at In-N-Out was fabulous, as always, but when we came out, we had a problem! The car wouldn't start! We sat around for about 30 minutes, and finally decided to walk to Ikea and come back when we were done shopping to see if the car would then start. We only spent about an hour and a half in Ikea (Which is sooo short compared to normal trips!), and when we walked back at 3:30pm the car still wouldn't start. So, Ryan's dad called AAA. They told us it'd be 45 minutes, oh how they were wrong! It was 2 hours later when the tow truck showed up. Our travel home was crazy! The tow truck driver was a crazy driver, and then we hit horrible fog and he was texting while driving. Ahh! It took nearly two hours to get back home, but we made it!

Today's picture is of the car being towed. It's a cell phone picture, so the quality isn't great but I felt that it was a fitting picture for the day.

Until Tomorrow...

Monday, January 3, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
Hello to the first Monday in January! Today was a staff day at the preschool I work at, and tomorrow school resumes. I always enjoy getting together with the staff and am really looking forward to seeing all of the children later this week! A break was nice, but I'm ready to get back into my routine!

Today's picture, crayons. Why crayons? Because they remind me of children and school, and most children are returning to school this week after Christmas break! Well that, and I also enjoy bright colors! What do you think?

See you tomorrow! :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
It's been a rainy Sunday! I typically try to stay in on such days, but decided to venture out with Ryan and some friends to go watch football and eat some lunch. After lunch a friend and I decided to hit the mall. I'm actually really glad I ventured out, because there are some amazing sales going on right now, and I got some great deals!

A nice storm arrived last night and has lasted through today. I fell asleep last night listening to the rain, and woke up this morning to the same sounds. As I went to sleep last night, I decided I wanted my photo for today to have something to do with the rain. As the rain came down this morning, I went out into our puddle-filled backyard and got this shot!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Originally uploaded by Butterfly8504
This year, I decided that I am going to partake in the 365 project. For those of you who don't know, the 365 project is where I take and post one picture per day for the entire year. I've wanted to do this for quite a number of years, but I've never been able to start on January 1st. I believe this will help me become a better photographer, and at the end of the year, I can look back and reflect on the year 2011.

Here goes 365 days of photography! I hope you will visit my blog often, and watch my year in pictures! :)

Tonight, I made homemade potato soup for dinner. It was the most exciting part of my day, hence the potato soup! It warmed us to the bone!

See you tomorrow!